Hi there
I just want to let you all aware of my situation that I was in from 18th August 2009 so you don't get caught out by this person like I did.
I asked Robyn from ScrapperGirl Designs if she would kindly make me some General Baby Boy and Christening QP's (QuickPages) for my son who was 2 months old at the time of the request which she agreed to in a written agreement which I had to sign and email back to her with full payment up front via PayPal of $52.50.
Anyway I emailed her and emailed her and she got back to me a couple of times and send me some sample QP's that she had made which were very girly/flowery no good for baby boy so I explained this into a email and she then sent me 8 zipped download files which only 1 ever worked all the rest were saying "invalid link", I got onto her about this so many times via email and she never replied to me/ignored me totally.
I was emailing her daily or every other day if I could not get to my computer and I never heard a thing back from her about the 7x invalid links.
In the end I did not know what to do so I contacted all her store owners which she sells in and they forwarded the emails to Robyn and she was saying to some her store owners that she has contacted me which was a lie, it never made any different she was just ignoring me.
I know Robyn had a few personal problems at this time but at the end of the day she should of refunded me my money back which she did offer to me in 1 email back on: 15th September, not just ignored me, I even posted on her blog asking her to contact me and again heard nothing. The last time I heard from her was: 22nd October.
She was quick enough to take the money though and she also designed a brand new blog so if she had time for that then how can she not answer my emails...
Julie owner of Pretty Scrappy bless her heart has been fantastic she was the only one to help me out on the Robyn situation, she contact Robyn and again never heard anything and there are friends. She knew how upset I was about this situation and she offered me $55 worth of free kits/QP's from her store as closure to this situation.
This is her store here: Pretty Scrappy please go and check it out she has lots to offer at great prices.
Julie your one in a million and thanks so much for helping me out after we came to some agreement (which was not even your problem) but that night I actually got a good night sleep without thinking/waking up about it.
I would also like to thank Valerie from ValerieN Designs as she was also someone that helped me out on the Robyn situation she contacted Julie owner of Pretty Scrappy who then got in-touch with me direct about this matter.
Anyway this is about it if it was not for Valerie and Julie (bless there hearts) then I would off been out of pocket by $52.50 as I also tried to contact PayPal asking for them to refund the money back to me but as I did it private and was out of the 45 days protection they could not help me either.
I just wanted to let you all know what happened to me, it was not a nice experience being ripped off/took advantage of like that.
Please be careful when giving money up-front for QP's or anything, I know that I have learnt my lesson that's for sure.
Take care.
Wednesday, 23 December 2009
Monday, 26 October 2009
Re Done some QP's for Unofficially CT - Vanessa at Blushbutter
Hi there
I decided to redo some of the QP's that I posted on: Wednesday 14th October for Unofficially CT - Vanessa at Blushbutter as it needed some words on the strips that was provided so please see below:

Just a little reminder its the baby boy set: 16 Blue Butterfly Bracket Quickpage Album - Please click on the link and it will take you straight to where you can buy this fantastic QP set for only $15.
I decided to redo some of the QP's that I posted on: Wednesday 14th October for Unofficially CT - Vanessa at Blushbutter as it needed some words on the strips that was provided so please see below:

Take care.
Sunday, 18 October 2009
GallimaufryUK $1 sale and "Buy her whole store"
Hi there
I just want to let you all know about Penni's store here: GallimaufryUK she is having a $1 sale and she is also offering "Buy her whole store" for only $9.99 and if you use the code pat_bmsdisc3 your get a further $3 off that will make her whole store only $6.99 what a bargain.
This is her blog here. Why not go and check it out what you got to lose?
I just want to let you all know about Penni's store here: GallimaufryUK she is having a $1 sale and she is also offering "Buy her whole store" for only $9.99 and if you use the code pat_bmsdisc3 your get a further $3 off that will make her whole store only $6.99 what a bargain.
This is her blog here. Why not go and check it out what you got to lose?
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
Unofficially on a CT (Creative Team) for Vanessa at Blushbutter
Hi there
I am unofficially on a CT (Creative Team) for Vanessa at Blushbutter.
Here are some LO's I have been playing with today as Connor is at nursery.
Wedding QP - Please click on the link and it will take you straight to where you can buy this fantastic 'Sealed with A Kiss EP1' QP for only $1.
I have also been working on a baby boy set: 16 Blue Butterfly Bracket Quickpage Album - Please click on the link and it will take you straight to where you can buy this fantastic QP set for only $15.

Take care.
I am unofficially on a CT (Creative Team) for Vanessa at Blushbutter.
Here are some LO's I have been playing with today as Connor is at nursery.
Wedding QP - Please click on the link and it will take you straight to where you can buy this fantastic 'Sealed with A Kiss EP1' QP for only $1.

Friday, 14 August 2009
Our Baby Boy Connor
Hi there
Sorry I have not posted on my blog for a while but below is the reason why...
We had a beautiful son called Connor who was born on Thursday, 4th June '09 at 2.39 pm by emergency c-section (cesarean) after being induced for a total of 6 hours at maximum dosage of #20 on drip but my cervix never opened which means I did not dilate at all even though I was having strong contractions 3-4 every 10 minutes.
He weighed 7lbs 7oz. He was exactly 2 weeks early on Thursday when he was born (I was 38 weeks preggie).
He had a few complications - jaundice but cause it got it within the first 24 hours they were a little worry as he also had low sugar levels cause they went down to 2.1 at one point and should be at & above 2.6 in the end they went up to 3.5, he keep having the jitters e.g stretching out his hand and spreading his fingers look like he was having a fright on Thursday evening and I was not happy as it was getting worst so they took him away and did some test and this is what they found out, so I then had to breast feed him and then do top-ups (bottles) as well which the nurses/midwifes done due to the face I could not pick him up.
I had some fantastic midwife/nurses/team staff looking after me while in hospital with Connor, I could not of done it without them, they made me feel so welcome.
Below are a few pictures of him...
He was nearly 2 days old when this was taken:
He is 6 weeks old when this was taken:
Sorry I have not posted on my blog for a while but below is the reason why...
We had a beautiful son called Connor who was born on Thursday, 4th June '09 at 2.39 pm by emergency c-section (cesarean) after being induced for a total of 6 hours at maximum dosage of #20 on drip but my cervix never opened which means I did not dilate at all even though I was having strong contractions 3-4 every 10 minutes.
He weighed 7lbs 7oz. He was exactly 2 weeks early on Thursday when he was born (I was 38 weeks preggie).
He had a few complications - jaundice but cause it got it within the first 24 hours they were a little worry as he also had low sugar levels cause they went down to 2.1 at one point and should be at & above 2.6 in the end they went up to 3.5, he keep having the jitters e.g stretching out his hand and spreading his fingers look like he was having a fright on Thursday evening and I was not happy as it was getting worst so they took him away and did some test and this is what they found out, so I then had to breast feed him and then do top-ups (bottles) as well which the nurses/midwifes done due to the face I could not pick him up.
I had some fantastic midwife/nurses/team staff looking after me while in hospital with Connor, I could not of done it without them, they made me feel so welcome.
Below are a few pictures of him...
He was nearly 2 days old when this was taken:

He is 6 weeks old when this was taken:

He is 7 weeks 1 day old when this was taken:
Anyway life is just so manic right now but I love being a mummy.
Take care.
Saturday, 23 May 2009
GallimaufryUK Blog: NDIDDS Big Scrapbooking Competition - Week 3
Hi there
I need your help again please Penni's (whose creative team I was on a while back) is trying to win a big scrapbooking competition, if she wins she will be able to sell her scrapbooking kit on this website here: http://www.designsindigital.com/
So please register (if you have not done so already) and download the below kit, feel free to delete it afterwards if you have no use for it but please go and download it, I would also be very grateful if you would forward this to anyone you know and get them to download it to.
Please download her 3rd part of the competition kit: Boys 2 Men PU Freebie kit (Week 3) here: http://www.justdigilayouts.com/shoppe/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=35_39&products_id=158?digifree?cbh
You could also come back each week for more freebies, the competition will go on until end of May and there is a new download each week (total of 1 more) loads of freebies to download.
Thanks once again for helping me out on this.
I need your help again please Penni's (whose creative team I was on a while back) is trying to win a big scrapbooking competition, if she wins she will be able to sell her scrapbooking kit on this website here: http://www.designsindigital.com/
So please register (if you have not done so already) and download the below kit, feel free to delete it afterwards if you have no use for it but please go and download it, I would also be very grateful if you would forward this to anyone you know and get them to download it to.
Please download her 3rd part of the competition kit: Boys 2 Men PU Freebie kit (Week 3) here: http://www.justdigilayouts.com/shoppe/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=35_39&products_id=158?digifree?cbh
You could also come back each week for more freebies, the competition will go on until end of May and there is a new download each week (total of 1 more) loads of freebies to download.
Thanks once again for helping me out on this.
Saturday, 16 May 2009
GallimaufryUK - NDIDDS Big Scrapbooking Competition - Week 2
Penni's (whose creative team I was on a while back) is trying to win a big scrapbooking competition, if she wins she will be able to sell her scrapbooking kit on this website here: http://www.designsindigital.com/
So please register (if you have not done so already) and download the below kit, feel free to delete it afterwards if you have no use for it but please go and download it, I would also be very grateful if you would forward this to anyone you know and get them to download it to.Please download her 2nd part of the competition kit: Peas in a Pod PU Freebie (Week 2) here: http://www.justdigilayouts.com/shoppe/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=35_38&products_id=144?digifree?cbh
You could also come back each week for more freebies, the competition will go on until end of May and there is a new download each week (total of 2 more) loads of freebies to download.
Penni's (whose creative team I was on a while back) is trying to win a big scrapbooking competition, if she wins she will be able to sell her scrapbooking kit on this website here: http://www.designsindigital.com/
So please register (if you have not done so already) and download the below kit, feel free to delete it afterwards if you have no use for it but please go and download it, I would also be very grateful if you would forward this to anyone you know and get them to download it to.Please download her 2nd part of the competition kit: Peas in a Pod PU Freebie (Week 2) here: http://www.justdigilayouts.com/shoppe/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=35_38&products_id=144?digifree?cbh
You could also come back each week for more freebies, the competition will go on until end of May and there is a new download each week (total of 2 more) loads of freebies to download.
Friday, 15 May 2009
ScrapScrapScrap - a new yahoo group
Penni has just set-up a new yahoo group called: ScrapScrapScrap its a digital scrapbooking group without all the oppresive rules.
Digi Scrappers feel free to snag the freebies or share links to blogs or shops you have found (but please don't share 4shared links or copyright/pirated stuff). You can also ask each other helpful tips on how to do stuff or just stay around and chat.
This is a no drama group.
Digi Designers feel free to advertise your freebies, blogs, sales, shops, forums, challenges, competitions, CT calls, DT calls etc.
Place as many ADs per day as you like as long as you don't repeat the same AD twice in a day that's fine.
Simply put a prefix stating the sort of post it is and for what. eg 'AD:CU Blog Freebie' or 'AD:PU kit at my store' or 'CT call at my store' etc just be clear in the heading.
So why not join and lets have some fun - please spread the word.
Penni has just set-up a new yahoo group called: ScrapScrapScrap its a digital scrapbooking group without all the oppresive rules.
Digi Scrappers feel free to snag the freebies or share links to blogs or shops you have found (but please don't share 4shared links or copyright/pirated stuff). You can also ask each other helpful tips on how to do stuff or just stay around and chat.
This is a no drama group.
Digi Designers feel free to advertise your freebies, blogs, sales, shops, forums, challenges, competitions, CT calls, DT calls etc.
Place as many ADs per day as you like as long as you don't repeat the same AD twice in a day that's fine.
Simply put a prefix stating the sort of post it is and for what. eg 'AD:CU Blog Freebie' or 'AD:PU kit at my store' or 'CT call at my store' etc just be clear in the heading.
So why not join and lets have some fun - please spread the word.
Monday, 11 May 2009
Fancy That Crafts Website
Hi there
Please when you get a spare minute go and check out Fancy That Crafts website that I have been building over the past few months.
Please when you get a spare minute go and check out Fancy That Crafts website that I have been building over the past few months.
GallimaufryUK - NDIDDS Big Scrapbooking Competition - Week 1
Penni's (whose creative team I was on a while back) is trying to win a big scrapbooking competition, if she wins she will be able to sell her scrapbooking kit on this website here: http://www.designsindigital.com/
So please register (if you have not done so already) and download the below kit, feel free to delete it afterwards if you have no use for it but please go and download it, I would also be very grateful if you would forward this to anyone you know and get them to download it to.
Please download her 2nd part of the competition kit: Chinoiserie PU Freebie (Week 1) here: http://www.justdigilayouts.com/shoppe/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=35_37&products_id=126?digifree?cbh
You could also come back each week for more freebies, the competition will go on until end of May and there is a new download each week (total of 4 more) loads of freebies to download.
Penni's (whose creative team I was on a while back) is trying to win a big scrapbooking competition, if she wins she will be able to sell her scrapbooking kit on this website here: http://www.designsindigital.com/
So please register (if you have not done so already) and download the below kit, feel free to delete it afterwards if you have no use for it but please go and download it, I would also be very grateful if you would forward this to anyone you know and get them to download it to.
Please download her 2nd part of the competition kit: Chinoiserie PU Freebie (Week 1) here: http://www.justdigilayouts.com/shoppe/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=35_37&products_id=126?digifree?cbh
You could also come back each week for more freebies, the competition will go on until end of May and there is a new download each week (total of 4 more) loads of freebies to download.
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
Dorothy's Creations - Mother Of Mine PU Kit
As alot of you know that I am on Dorothy's Creations Creative Team this was my 1st project below.
This is what I made from her fantastic Mother Of Mine Printable PU Kit on 6th May '09.
Here is the link to her shop: Divine Digital so you can buy this fantastic kit and here is the link to her Blog go check them both out there well worth a look.
This is what I made from her fantastic Mother Of Mine Printable PU Kit on 6th May '09.

Friday, 1 May 2009
GallimaufryUK - NDIDDS Big Scrapbooking Competition (The Warm Up Round)
Penni's (whose creative team I was on a while back) is trying to win a big scrapbooking competition, if she wins she will be able to sell her scrapbooking kit on this website here: http://www.designsindigital.com/
So please register and download the below kit, feel free to delete it afterwards if you have no use for it but please go and download it, I would also be very grateful if you would forward this to anyone you know and get them to download it to.
Please download her 1st part of the competition kit here (The Warm Up round):
You could also come back each week for more freebies, the competition will go on until end of May and there is a new download each week (total of 4 more) loads of freebies to download.
Penni's (whose creative team I was on a while back) is trying to win a big scrapbooking competition, if she wins she will be able to sell her scrapbooking kit on this website here: http://www.designsindigital.com/
So please register and download the below kit, feel free to delete it afterwards if you have no use for it but please go and download it, I would also be very grateful if you would forward this to anyone you know and get them to download it to.
Please download her 1st part of the competition kit here (The Warm Up round):
You could also come back each week for more freebies, the competition will go on until end of May and there is a new download each week (total of 4 more) loads of freebies to download.
Monday, 6 April 2009
GallimaufryUK Blog - Watermelon PU Kit
This is my 6th project below for GallimaufryUK - Penni's Blog Creative team.
This is what I made from her fantastic Watermelon PU Kit on 4th April '09.
This is what I made from her fantastic Watermelon PU Kit on 4th April '09.
You can find her blog here: GallimaufryUK go check it out its worth a look.
Thursday, 2 April 2009
GallimaufryUK Blog - Rita PU Kit
This is my 5th project below for GallimaufryUK - Penni's Blog Creative team.
This is what I made from her fantastic Rita PU Kit on 1st April '09.

You can find her blog here: GallimaufryUK go check it out its worth a look.
This is what I made from her fantastic Rita PU Kit on 1st April '09.

You can find her blog here: GallimaufryUK go check it out its worth a look.
Monday, 30 March 2009
GallimaufryUK Blog - Grace PU Kit
This is my 4th project below for GallimaufryUK - Penni's Blog Creative team.
This is what I made from her fantastic Grace PU Kit on 24th March '09.

You can find her blog here: GallimaufryUK go check it out its worth a look.
This is what I made from her fantastic Grace PU Kit on 24th March '09.

You can find her blog here: GallimaufryUK go check it out its worth a look.
Thursday, 26 March 2009
GallimaufryUK Blog - Easter PU Kit
This is my 3rd project below for GallimaufryUK - Penni's Blog Creative team.
This is what I made from her fantastic Easter PU Kit on 24th March '09.

You can find her blog here: GallimaufryUK go check it out its worth a look.
This is what I made from her fantastic Easter PU Kit on 24th March '09.

You can find her blog here: GallimaufryUK go check it out its worth a look.
Monday, 23 March 2009
GallimaufryUK Blog - Oriental Expression Collab PU Kit
This is my 2nd project below for GallimaufryUK - Penni's Blog Creative team .
This is what I made from her fantastic Oriental Expression Collab PU Kit on 22nd March '09.

You can find her blog here: GallimaufryUK go check it out its worth a look.
This is what I made from her fantastic Oriental Expression Collab PU Kit on 22nd March '09.

You can find her blog here: GallimaufryUK go check it out its worth a look.
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
GallimaufryUK - Penni's Blog Creative team my 1st project
I am now on GallimaufryUK - Penni's Blog Creative team this was my 1st project below. This is what I made this for from her fantastic Mothers Day PU Freebie Kit on 18th March '09.
You can find her blog here: GallimaufryUK go check it out its worth a look.
Friday, 6 February 2009
Welcome to my Blog
Hi there
Welcome to my blog I have only set it up today so I am learning how to use it.
Ill be back soon when I have worked out how to use blogspot.
Welcome to my blog I have only set it up today so I am learning how to use it.
Ill be back soon when I have worked out how to use blogspot.
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