Hi there
I really would like to spread the word about
Hope for "Michelle McCoy" Owner of Crafty Scraps (Charity) Kit.Michelle has had diabetes along time, until recently the diabetes has hindered the rest of her body. Struggles everyday with pain in her legs, her stomach, her eyes list goes on and on. Yet she never quits making for others. September 16th she had a consultation with Drs. to find out if she can be a candidate for a transplant. Let's see what we can do to help her out with the gas to the many Drs. maybe for groceries or just to say thanks for all you do for everyone else.One of Michelle's CT (
Ronda) started this and made this fantastic kit for her.

In the kit:
Lots of hearts for love
Teddy bear-Michelle collects teddies
Tennis shoe-Michelle, we will walk beside you heart lock and key-lets take the diabetes cure from the vault and cure everyone
Strings--she gives so much to everyone with no strings attached
Girl with hands on hips-Michelle ready to take this on...she will win
Tea pot-Michelle loves coffee and can no longer have it--so we will share tea with her
Purple butterfly--Michelles favorite color purple--butterfly, free everything from Michelle
Please post this ribbon for Michelle.

Thanks for helping.